Shielagh​ Hochberg, PhD
Shielagh​ Hochberg, PhD
Clinical Psychologist
treating mood and anxiety disorders,
trauma and challenges of the life cycle
Life is challenging, and we all need help sometimes.
Think about what you want to accomplish.
I’d like to assist you along the way.
Start your journey in beautiful Naples, Florida
Start your journey in beautiful Naples, Florida

Many people find themselves at a crossroads.
What changes are you ready to make?
Handling stress, anxiety or sadness in a healthier way?
Addressing depression, post-traumatic stress or OCD?
Working on unresolved issues from your past that hurt you now?
Making important decisions,
such as opting to stay in a job or go back to school,
work from home or return to the office,
or retire early or go for the brass ring?

The office is located at
365 Fifth Avenue South, Second Floor
Naples, Florida 34102
My office is located at 365 Fifth Avenue South
Second Floor
Naples, FL 34102
Sessions are available by appointment
And offered in person and by video
My office is located at 365 Fifth Avenue South
Second Floor
Naples, FL 34102
Sessions are available by appointment
And offered in person and by video